- Make a Monetary Donation (the average vet cost to TBAR for one animal is $150-$200)
- Read about TBAR’s Special Funds for Special Animals
- Join TBAR and/or Become a Volunteer
- Foster a Dog, Cat, or Horse
- Attend Our Benefit Events
- Donate Items for auction at our next benefit
- Support our Sponsors!
- Adopt
- Foster an Animal
- Sponsor a Dog
- Sponsor a Horse
- Report Abuse and Neglect
- Foster homes for dogs and horses
- Volunteers at Events
Donate online
You can mail checks and donations to:
True Blue Animal Rescue
PO Box 1107
Brenham, Texas 77834
Our item wish list:
- Dog chew toys (raw hides and stuffing for Kongs only please)
- Igloo dog houses (provide warmth in the winter)
- Large size collapsible dog crates
- Light-weight ‘Adopt Me’ vests – including Large size
- Horse feed dishes = $5 each
- Horse water buckets = $10
- PVC pipe = $100 for enough to run it to the barn
- No climb horse fence = $150 / 100 ft. roll
- Light-weight ‘Adopt Me’ vests – including Large size
- Horse trailer
- Rags and paper towels (we can never have enough of those items)
- Horse feed (especially senior feed like Purina’s Equine Senior and Wendlands One and Only)
- Automatic waterers (for horses and dogs)
- Office Supplies (printing paper, envelopes and stamps)
All donations are tax deductible. True Blue Animal Rescue (TBAR) is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Special funds for special animals
As TBAR has grown and expanded our assistance to animals, we’ve realized the scope of our activities necessitates additional funding in order to meet the needs of certain animals that come under the umbrella of TBAR.
Valine & Leigh Bartlett Memorial Spay/Neuter Fund
Because the biggest source of homeless animals is unspayed and unneutered cats and dogs, TBAR is taking a pro-active stance by offering spay and neuter assistance to those who cannot manage it all on their own. This past February and March, TBAR offered rebates to the owner of any dog or cat which was spayed or neutered in Washington County or Burleson County during those months. During our first year of this fund, 17 dogs and 18 cats were spayed, and 7 dogs and 14 cats were neutered. We hope to expand this spay/neuter program to additional counties and over more months of the year as funding becomes available.
Donate to the spay/neuter fund

Brooke’s Fund
Another significant expense is medical care for the many sick, injured, or abused animals which come to TBAR. As a no-kill rescue, we choose to treat any animal which can be saved and can live a quality life. Most of the animals coming in require some sort of special care in addition to the basic needs and vaccinations. Some of the veterinarian bills are significant.
This fund will be used to give dogs with heavy heartworm loads the expensive heartworm treatment they need. This fund is in memory of Blue Moon, Pal, Cinnamon, Little Caesar, Momma, Abby, and Jack. Blue Moon died due to complications from her heartworms. The others were humanely euthanized because they were already showing such severe symptoms from their heartworms, that their bodies could not withstand the treatment.
In 2006 a dog named Brooke came into our care. Brooke had a heavy heartworm load but was not showing symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing. Her veterinarian felt she would be a good candidate for heartworm treatment. Thanks to the “Art Helping Animals” group and several individual Tbar members, enough money was raised to pay for Brooke’s expensive treatment. Brooke was given the heartworm treatment while in the care of her foster home, and has recovered and is doing well.
The fund to pay for Brooke’s treatment has some money left over to help future dogs that come to us with severe heartworms. Our hope is that we will be able to build this fund so that we can offer treatment to every dog that comes to us with a heavy heartworm load, before they become too sick for help. Of course our ultimate goal is to educate people about heartworms. In Texas (and almost every other state) a dog has a 100% chance of getting heartworms if they are not given a heartworm preventative. Please help us spread the word that a simple once-a-month “biscuit” will keep a dog safe from this devastating disease.
Shop at these online stores to support us!
- Amazon Smile: Specify TBAR as your charity of choice and they’ll donate every time you shop
- Barkbox: Use code TRUEBBBX1 to get 10% off at checkout, plus they’ll donate $15 to TBAR!
- Country Supply: Using their special ‘TBAR’ Country Care code when you shop means that Country Supply will donate 5% of your purchase to T-BAR.
- Music for Charities
- iGive.com
- Art Helping Animals
TBAR Store
All donations are tax deductible.

Coloring Book
Donation of only $5.00 each
+ $4.95 S/H (per 3 books)

Horsin’ Around the Kitchen
A True Blue Animal Rescue Recipe Book (Second Edition)
Includes tasty recipes for: Appetizers, Beverages & Dips, Soups & Salads, Breads & Brunch, Vegetable & Side Dishes, Main Dishes, Vegetarian & Vegan, Desserts, and Pet Treats
Donation of $12.00
+ $4.95 S/H (per 5 books)

ABLE t-shirt
Make a $17 donation to T-Bar and receive a T-Bar T-shirt

Dog Joy Book
Donation of $12.95 plus $7 for priority shipping
Donation of only $5.00 each
+ $4.95 S/H (per 3 books)

DogGone Songs
Traveling Tunes for You and Your Pet. Great for creating a calm, relaxing atmosphere in your car – for you and your pets. Runs for 46 minutes.
Donation of $13 + $2.50 S/H