Success Story: Mocha / Reese

True-Blue-Animal-Rescue-Success-Story-Dog-Reese-MochaSuccess story Wednesday! Here is Mocha, one of the last of Hope’s puppies. Mocha was adopted by a couple that came all the way from Austin to adopt her. They changed her name to Reece, which is very fitting! Just look at cute little Reece in her new home! Lucky puppy and lucky family!

Congrats on your new forever family Reece! And thank you to her new owners for opening their hearts and homes to adopt a new family member!

TBAR Sucess Story: Olaf!

True Blue Animal Rescue Success Story Olaf

Today we are happy to share that Olaf found his forever home this weekend! He has been waiting for this day for quite some time, and he would like to extend his warm thanks to both of his loving foster moms that took such good care of him. We would like to thank them as well, and also thank his new family for opening their hearts and home to him. Congrats on your new life, Olaf!

Success Story: Hope

True-Blue-Animal-Rescue-2015-Hope-SuccessSuccess Story!

Here’s Hope and her new Mom. She was rescued from a shelter with her six babies. Most of her puppies are in new homes now too! Hope’s new Mom saw her picture and fell in love. Then, when she came to meet her she knew it was meant to be! We couldn’t be happier for Hope and her new family!

Success Stories: Hazel Grace, Monica and Rachel

True-Blue-Animal-Rescue-Success-Story-Hazel-Grace-Rachel-Monica-AdoptedWhen spring is in the air people start opening their homes to new furry family members! This week we are happy to share three recent adoptions! Hazel Grace, Rachel and Monica were strays when a kind person took them in as a True Blue Animal Rescue foster home. Monica and Rachel found wonderful new homes and the foster home fell in love with their Mother, Hazel Grace. Here are the pups with their new families, as well as the beautiful Hazel Grace, relaxing at her forever home. We love happy endings and when it’s times 3 it is even more joyful!

Success Stories: Sadie and a Hope Puppy!

True-Blue-Animal-Rescue-Success-Stories-April-8Success stories of the week are Sadie and one of the Hope puppies! You can see the puppy (named Maddie) here with her new mom – they look so happy together! Next is Sadie, the little Min pin mix girl. She found her forever home and is loving her new life. She enjoys playing fetch and running in her new yard and when the day is done she gets to sleep on her new Mom’s bed.

Maddie has two sisters (Mocha and Dotty) who still need forever homes. Please contact [email protected] to learn more about them, or view them at:

Success Story: Albert and Jasper

True-Blue-Animal-Rescue-Texas-Success-Donkey-Albert-and-JasperAlbert and Jasper were adopted into a donkey dream home! They now have acres of room to wander, plenty of grass to eat, and lots places to explore. Not only that, but they also have a great new adoptive Mom who is going to work with them on haltering, leading and brushing. They’ll be eating out of her pocket in no time!!

Congrats on your new forever home!




Success Story: Gina!

True Blue Animal Rescue Success Story GinaToday’s success story is Gina!

Gina was the year-old yellow lab who was rescued from the Brenham shelter when they called to alert us that she was on her last days. K’s Mutt Hutt board her, and many people donated to help pay the boarding fees while she waited for her forever home.

We are now happy to share that Gina has found a wonderful forever home with a nice lady and two other dogs. Gina is well-loved and couldn’t be happier!

We are very grateful for the shelter manager who called us, for K’s Mutt Hut for taking care of her, for the donors who paid for her boarding, and to the volunteers who transported her around to her vet appointments. Lastly, and most importantly, we are thankful for Gina’s new forever family, for opening their hearts and homes to her! Gina is certainly our “it takes a village” story!

Throwback Success Story: Fabio!

True-Blue-Animal-Rescue-Throwback-Success-FabioLast week we received an update on Fabio!

His family tells us:

 “I don’t know if you will remember Fabio but he was debilitating shy when we first got him. I remember your husband asking me to please be patient with him. While he is still a tad shy around us and hides from strangers, he has also recognized his forever home and family! Our alpha (jealous) male still rules the roost but even he shares his garage chair with Fabio!”

We are so happy Fabio has such a great forever home! He was one of a litter of puppies who were stuffed in a plastic container and illegally dumped off in front of a country home when they were 7-8 weeks old in 2011. We couldn’t be happier to hear updates like these. It gives us the energy we need to refuel our passion and continue to help animals in need!

Please send us updates on YOUR TBAR animal! Email [email protected] and we would love to feature your pet’s update on our site!

Success Story! Lady!

True-Blue-Animal-Rescue-Success-Story-Adopted-LadyThis is Lady, a Cane Corso mastiff. She belonged to a breeder who had her in their backyard. They were not taking good care of her and turned her over to someone else after her puppies had died. She was passed around to four different homes till she was taken in by Casie Cooper with True Blue Animal Rescue. Casie let her have some time to adjust and then slowly introduced her to her family and other dogs. She was worried that Lady might growl and behave aggressively, but after she settled in she was fine with the other dogs. Lady is a huge dog, and a breed that needs to be handled correctly, so we knew it would take a special home to adopt her. After she was vetted and spayed Casie was able to network her and find her the perfect family. She has settled in nicely with her new people and doggie siblings!