True Blue Animal Rescue had a great turnout for the Horseman’s Market Day (The Horseman’s Flea Market) on Saturday, August 17, 2013 (sponsored by the Brazos Valley Driving and Riding Club) at 5827 Leonard Road in Bryan, Texas. TBAR volunteers showed up with all sorts of horse-related items that had been donated throughout the year to be sold at this event for fundraising.

Our volunteers worked the event from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm, knowing that their time and efforts were raising money that would go directly to the care of TBAR animals. Fundraising and donations go straight to vet bills, food, and shelter, and allow TBAR to say “yes” to the next abused or neglected animal that they receive a call to help.

TBAR members were thrilled to have made $1883 at the event! This amount is equal to the cost of vet bills and feed for nearly a month at TBAR! One of the reasons we were able to earn so much was because of a generous donation – a horse trailer! We would like to thank all the people who donated items (big and small), all the volunteers that worked the event, and Moore Photography for volunteering their skills to document this event so we could share it with the rest of you!

If you are interested in helping, you can donate via PayPal, or e-mail us at [email protected] to donate items for our next market day, or sign up to volunteer! In the upcoming year we will be rolling out a new volunteering program that will allow more members of the community to help TBAR animals!

Event Volunteers: AJ, Linda, and Melanie
Not Pictured: Dale, Colton, Elizabeth, Olivia, Jason, James, Teresa, Lauren, and Karlene
TBAR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is a no-kill facility. If you would like to help animals such as this please consider donating to TBAR, fostering or adopting. Every little bit helps us to help another animal in need of safety and rehabilitation.

Attendees stopping by the TBAR booth.

An attendee checking out the wide variety of items TBAR has for sale.