Winston was found on the streets broken and beaten. Lucky for him he ended up with a foster Mom who is also a nurse. She helped him become physically and mentally healthy and ready for a new home. She was fine with fostering him and loving him until his perfect owner came along but then her health declined and she’s not sure how long she can keep him. Please read what she wrote about Winston and share till his forever home is found. Email [email protected] to adopt Winston
Winston is a definite old soul but loves to chew, gnaw, sun bathe and chase his toys around. He also loves his clothes (sweaters, T shirts, and jerseys) and don’t try to take his collar with tags off, he freaks out. He surely knows how to entertain himself as well. He loves to cuddle, go on walks, car rides and hog any bed.
He absolutely LOVES people. He doesn’t particularly feel safe with other dogs yet but has made long strides with this process. I remove all food, toys/ bones and his lock his crate when other dogs are around to ensure he feels comfortable and not insecure due to his past. He is not good with cats, since he chases them out of my yard. He is a protector for sure, especially within the house and yard.
He will be the perfect home protector and companion with any person that is seeking a single companion or one animal home.

I have had Winston since February 2015. He is up to date on shots, heart worm negative and has been altered. Please note that he loves children however I would say that he would probably be better off with pre teens and older since he does enjoy to play tug of war with his rope toys.
The perfect parent for this fur baby will receive all of his clothing, crate, bowls, portable water bowl for walks, toys, bones, both his beds and food once he is adopted to ease the transition of his FUREVER parent(s) or family.
Read more about Winston:
Foster Feature 01