More puppies with their new families!
Ranger and Daisy are two more lucky puppies that went from being dumped on the side of the road to being loved and adored. Lucky puppies and lucky families. We still have six puppies that are looking for homes. If you’d like to adopt a puppy into your family check out our pups, dogs, cats and horses and then email us at [email protected] to schedule a meet and greet.
Two more adopted puppies! These lucky puppy’s dream came true when they got a family of their own.
Here’s adopted dog, Pete, in his new home with his forever Mom. We love seeing adopted pets in their new home being loved and spoiled the way they deserve to be. Did you adopt a pet from True Blue Animal Rescue? Email us a picture at [email protected] so we can see how they are doing in your family.
Sometimes our foster homes fall in love with their foster animal and end up adopting.
That is what happened with these three lucky dogs! Each foster home just couldn’t let them go and decided to adopt. We do call that foster failure but it’s and adoption success at the same time.
Thank you to these foster / adopters and hooray for Cletus, Ryder and Cortez.
If you’d like to foster. foster to adopt or adopt, email [email protected] to let us know what you can do to help us rescue animals and end abuse, neglect and overpopulation.
Greetz : TiGER-M@TE – w4l3xzy3 – Mauritania Attacker – Mr.Domoz – Kuroi’SH – ShadowMan .. @nd all friends.
#You Have Been Trolled !
More of our happy ending puppy adoptions! We couldn’t be more happy about seeing our puppies go to great adopters. Check out our adoptable pets if you’d like to adopt a puppy or adult dog into your family.
We had another visit from one of our favorite friends. This young lady collected food for the animals again and made the trip out to deliver it in person. Thank you Emery for another great supply of horse feed, dog food and dog treats! You are making a difference in the lives of animals!
All four of the puppies that where abandoned in the woods with their mother, Cookie, have forever homes! Cookie is still here waiting for her home but we’re all so thankful that these sweet babies that had no chance now have the best homes possible. Thank you for adopting instead of shopping. If you would like to adopt a dog or puppy, check out our adoptable pets and then email [email protected] or call 936-878-2349 so we can arrange for you to meet your new family member.
Mia was found by Brenham Humane Services with a collar grown into her neck. They saved her and gave her time to heal. A True Blue Animal Rescue foster home heard about her and decided to give her a home to live in while she waited for her forever home. That day has finally come! Mia seemed to know these were her people because she walked right over and leaned on her new Dad’s leg. Here you can see that she’s content and comfortable with her family already. These are the happy endings we all love to see. Check out our adoptable pets, then either email [email protected] or call 936-878-2349 to arrange to adopt!