Your Death & Protecting Pets: Why A Trust Is Better Than A Will

TBAR-Pets-and-WillsAs animal lovers, we all want to care and protect our pets from any kind of possible harm, but when it comes to our own ultimate demise, we may think that including them in our will is what’s best for them. Often when we leave them for a short periods of time and they may become anxious about our departure, but being gone from them permanently without our love and support is a valid concern for many pet owners.

At first we may believe that including them in our will would be enough to take care of them after our departure, but legal experts beg to differ. A blanket amount left to look after in a last will and testament is loving, generous and giving, but it doesn’t include their day-to-day needs and the unknown future of your four-legged best friend. Let’s look at some ways why a trust is much better for them (and you) in the long run:

The Big Three

According to the Bar Association, there are three options when it comes to protecting your pet after your departure. They include your will, a legal trust fund being put into place or a verbal agreement. For the sake of argument, an agreement with a friend, family member or other person is a definite possibility, but it still won’t stand up in a legal courtroom. So for legal purposes, we’ll concentrate on the differences between a will and a trust.

I Hereby Do Bequeath

When it comes to the letter of the law, pets are considered as property and not an actual member of our family. Therefore, loopholes exist with their protection and care under the legal guidelines and enforceable parts of a will. In other words, as a “piece of property,” you can bequeath an animal to a friend or family member, but it doesn’t guarantee their protection, care, feeding and other important parts of their life.

For example, if the party of the first part (which is you), leaves the “possession” of a pet to a sibling, friend or family member, this only means that they now own them, and have no responsibilities for their care or protection. There are no legal requirements in place that they are fed, walked, taken care of – they can even be taken to a shelter or sold without your permission.

Trust In The Law

In comparison to a statement made in a will, unlike a simple directive or order of possession, a trust can command certain requirements that include:

Payment amounts that are set into place to provide for their continued care, feeding, exercise, medical needs, without regard for ownership.

Agreements are set into place that manage a pet’s health, maintenance and welfare including veterinary visits, grooming and other needs

Financial trustees can be put into place to manage assets when it comes to future finances and growth of their existing funds that were put into place for their protection

Trusts and pet agreements that are made in these legal documents also make provisions should you become incapacitated and unable to care for your companion animal. They will even ensure that your beloved best friend stays with you if you have medical issues that leave you bedridden at home for extended periods of time.

The Grey Law

In closing, if you think about the story of Greyfriars Bobby, a little dog that belonged to an entire town, rather than a single person. After the demise of his owner, a “Bobby” or policeman, protecting and patrolling the streets of Edinburgh in England, the citizens of this small town banded together to protect this little canine from being destroyed due to a lack of ownership.

According to the tale, little “Bobby,” refused to leave his master’s side following this policeman’s untimely death and slept on his grave every night for over a decade. But during the interim, a law was passed that every dog must be licensed by an owner and since Bobby had none, the love of the local townspeople paid his fee and made them a part of their city.

This is a perfect example of how a legal precedence landed this little pooch into a safety net which was then protected by laws that stated he wasn’t a stray. Instead, he was legally protected as a member of their society and community who were enlisted to care for him under the law. You can invoke this kind of trust when it comes to the care of your beloved pet.

2016 Halloween Tips

10 Tip Series on Halloween Pet Safety

  1. Trick-or-treat candies are not for pets. All forms of chocolate – especially baking or dark chocolate – can be dangerous, even lethal, for dogs and cats
  2. Bring your pet in the house on Halloween: surprisingly, vicious pranksters have been known to tease, injure, steal, or even kill pets on Halloween night. Inexcusable? Yes! But preventable nonetheless.
  3. Keep pets confined and away from the door. Not only will your door be constantly opening and closing on Halloween, but strangers will be dressed in unusual costumes and yelling loudly for their candy. Putting your dog or cat in a secure room away from the front door will also prevent them from darting outside into the night… a night when no one wants to be searching for a lost loved one.
  4. Keep your outdoor cats inside several days before and several days after Halloween. Black cats are especially at risk from pranks or other cruelty-related incidents. In fact, many shelters do not adopt out black cats during the month of October as a safety precaution.
  5. Keep Halloween plants such as pumpkins and corn out of reach. Although they are relatively nontoxic, such plants can induce gastrointestinal upset should your pets ingest them in large quantities. Intestinal blockage can even occur if large pieces are swallowed.
  6. Don’t keep lit pumpkins around pets. Should they get too close, they run the risk of burning themselves or knocking it over and causing a fire.
  7. Keep wires and electric light cords out of reach. If chewed, your pet could cut himself or herself on shards of glass or plastic, or receive a possibly life-threatening electrical shock.
  8. Don’t dress your pet in a costume unless you know they’ll love it. If you do decide that Fido or Kitty needs a costume, make sure it isn’t annoying or unsafe. It should not constrict movement, hearing, or the ability to breathe or bark and meow.
  9. Try on pet costumes before the big night. If they seem distressed, allergic, or show abnormal behavior, consider letting them go in their “birthday suit”. Festival bandanas usually work for party poopers, too.
  10. IDs, please! If your dog or cat should escape and become lost, having the proper identification will increase the chances that they will be returned. Just make sure the information is up-to-date, even inf your pet does have one of those fancy-schmancy embedded microchips.

Everyone at TBAR wishes you and your pets a safe and happy Halloween!

Texas Arts and Music Festival 2016

texas-arts-music-festival-brenham-2016Drop by the TBAR booth to meet Lil’Hombre, the chi-weenie puppy!
Pete, Shane, and Potsie will also be there. All vendor booths will be located in the back parking lot of the Ant Street Inn.

Update: Thanks to all those volunteers who came out to help — Thanks Amy Hemsell, Whitney Twiss Maldonado, Cheryl Garner and James Taylor.
And our new volunteer Jenni Parrish Skaug!

We had a lot of interest in the dogs — with many folks stopping by to just see the little guys.

We had 4 boy dogs that were the center of attention — Lil’Hombre, Pete, Potsie, and Shane.

Horses Get Their Day In Court


Horses Get Their Day In Court
True Blue Animal Rescue vs Waller County

On July 10, 2015, 34 cruelly treated horses were seized from Kathie Digilio from her property. Felony charges have been against Ms. Digilio regarding the horses which are pending.

True Blue Animal Rescue (TBAR) was requested by Waller County to care for the horses. True Blue Animal Rescue is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping abused and neglected animals. As part of this mission they support law enforcement by taking in animals that need to be removed from a neglectful or abusive situation. TBAR has been caring for the 34 horses since they were seized now 15 months ago.

On September 2, 2016, the Justice Court entered an Order of Disposition that all 34 horses were cruelly treated. However, the Order also included the return of 7 of these horses to Ms. Digilio, her pick. Three horses were supposed to be transferred to a buyer who allegedly bought them before the seizure in 2015. The 7 horses picked by Ms. Digilio are all mares. Two of the three horses that were supposed to have been purchased before the seizure are stallions (one still a colt). The rest of the horses, 24 of them, were awarded to TBAR.

Pursuant to an agreement between Ms. Digilio and Waller County, TBAR was to be reimbursed only a fraction of the cost to care for the 34 horses. TBAR was not a party to this agreement.

On October 3, 2016, TBAR filed an injunction against Waller County in the district court challenging the return of horses to Ms. Digilio and the alleged buyer, and is seeking to be fully reimbursed for the care given to the 34 horses. On the same day TBAR filed suit, a “Supplemental Order” was issued by the Justice Court that states the 24 horses awarded to TBAR were “unintentionally mistreated.” Seven horses were awarded to Ms. Digilio and 3 to the alleged buyer as stated above in the “supplement”.

The injunction filed by TBAR was granted on October 6, 2016. A hearing on the injunction has been set for November 21, 2016. TBAR is represented by Ms. Zandra Anderson, a trial attorney specializing in animal law. With her animal law knowledge and strength of fortitude True Blue Animal Rescue knows they are offering the horses the best chance possible.

TBAR is thankful for all of its volunteers who have rehabilitated these horses back to good health. TBAR remains committed to the welfare of all 34 horses. TBAR appreciates that there will likely be many questions about these turn of events. However, we will avoid further comment due to the pending litigation that we hope is swiftly resolved.

Pet of the Week: Kona Dog


KONA is a sweet 1 year old Labrador/terrier Mix. She loves to play and ride in the car. She’s smart too- already learned sit, down, come and crate training. Leash walking and house training in progress. Kona gets along with other dogs and dog-savvy cats. She’s vaccinated, dewormed and thankfully heart worm negative. She tries hard to please you and be a good girl.

Kona is available for adoption thru True Blue Animal Rescue. or 936-878-2349 or [email protected]

PLEASE SHARE and help find Kona a forever home!!

Miracle horse, RIP

Warning: Post contains graphic images that may be upsetting to viewers.

September 28, 2016

Heartbreaking news about Miracle. While we’re sad that he’s no longer with us we’re glad he is no longer in pain and suffering. Sometimes our roll in rescue is to love them and let them go.

From Melanie DeAeth:

It is with the greatest sadness that I’m letting you know that Miracle lost his battle today. With the leg injury the way it was he had to have time lying down to rest but every time he’d lie down the wounds on his side got worse. They went from raw, brush burn type injuries to full blown ulcers going down to the bone. When we started seeing the joint moving inside the wound and the ribs exposed on his side we knew we were nearing the end of the battle. We helped Miracle get up one more time with the sling and were hopeful when he stood but after evaluating the injuries and the progression of the wounds we knew that we would only torture this boy if we let him lie down one more time and it was torture for him not to be able to lie down and relieve the pain in his leg. We could have left him in a sling but doing that puts pressure on the wounds on his side too. So, with heavy heart I’m letting you know that Miracle, the special boy we have been praying for, enjoyed a great big meal of alfalfa and all the grain he could gobble. During that time he forgot about the pain and enjoyed life. I’m thankful we were able to give him that. I also know that our prayers were heard because this boy was riddled with pain but every time we prayed and asked him to stand and fight he did. He heard our prayers. I have always believed in prayer but now I believe even more and I know first hand how strong the power of prayer is. Thank you for your prayers, for your support and for your donations. Thanks to all of you Miracle left this earth knowing love with a full belly and a heart full of our prayers. Rescue networking works! Never give up!

September 22, 2016

This is Miracle, the horse that was rescued on Sunday, September 18, 2016. He was dehydrated and near death when a rescuer saw him and posted a plea on Facebook. After hundreds of shares and comments another rescuer showed up with a trailer and loaded him up and drove him to a vet on an emergency call. When I first spoke to the vet he wasn’t feeling very optimistic. Miracle was flat out and would not get up off his side. Dr. Joe from Brazos Valley Equine Hospital was preparing us for the worst but hoping for the best. Our response was to go back to the amazing group of people who joined forces to save him and ask for prayers. Hundreds of rescuers prayed that night and then, to our great relief, we were told that he was up on Monday morning! Miracle is still in the vet as of today and the bill is already up to $2000. He has infections from the back leg wounds and abrasions down is side and on his face. The eye on the side with wounds is being treated but the other eye is bright and alert.

He went back down on Wednesday, September 21 and back on IV fluids but recovered and got back up later that same day.

This is a story of how rescue networking saves lives. If not for the people who responded, he would have died where he lie. Please join us in prayer for full recovery for this sweet horse.

If you’d like to donate to help us pay his vet bill. Use the paypal link on True Blue Animal Rescue’s Facebook page or go to and use the paypal link there. If you’d prefer to send a donation in the mail send checks to True Blue Animal Rescue, PO Box 1107, Brenham, TX 77833

Thanks to those who have donated! We’ve gotten $275 donated so far.

September 21, 2016

Here is Miracle today, Day 4. The side that he was dragged on has horrible wounds all over it as does the side of his face. The wound on his leg cut through his flesh all the way around and stopped circulation. That’s coming back but the skin will slough off as it heals. He’s a young horse, extremely emaciated and completely defeated. He has probably not had many kind interactions with humans nor experienced much joy in life. He has every reason to give up. He gave up the first night and again today. The vet said he just quit and lied down. They put him in a sling but he just hung there, defeated. That was when I asked you all for prayer. A couple of hours after we all began praying Miracle got back up! The vet said he was surprised. He didn’t expect him to get up. Then, our healing prayers gave him hope and he got up. I’m praying that he’ll keep fighting so we can show him love and joy and give him the good life he deserves. Keep praying! It’s working!

September 21, 2016

He’s back up again!

September 21, 2016

Calling all prayer warriors! Miracle is back down again! He’s getting fluids but not wanting to stand. We need everyone’s prayers and healing to help him regain his strength and will to live so he’ll get back up!

From Liz Keels on September 19, 2016:

He’s improving. Standing most of day on three legs. One leg is very swollen and needs some more TLC. Ulcer on right eye being treated (eye on the ground for extended period of time). Also, eating very well.

True Blue Animal Rescue donate to his vet care:

TBAR response September 18, 2016

We have been asked to help this horse. He is currently at Brazos Equine Vet Hospital and he his not getting up. He has had two bags of fluids and antibiotics and he’s not getting up. We need all prayer warriors to share and pray for this horse. Pray and send healing!

Original post from Liz Keels on September 18, 2016:

The Acres Homes horse that I assisted with is safe at the Brazos Valley Equine Specialist in Navasota. He was saved today by two bad ass woman! I couldn’t be there to witness him getting out but I am in awe of their determination! I’m glad I was at the right place at the right time and followed that dog home yesterday evening when my better judgment told me to keep driving… NEVER ?.

Thank you, Melanie Hewett-Deaeth & True Blue Animal Rescue for taking this guy under your wings. DONATIONS can be made to

The sores are from laying down in pain for hours and thrashing. I don’t know anything about horses so I am grateful for my best friend for heeding my 911 call yesterday. She also plans to help the finder learn all about horses, what to look for and how to help in his neighborhood.

Thank you everyone for your concern, shares, prayers!! Keep them coming!


Waller County horse neglect case

True Blue Animal Rescue has reviewed all court documents for the Waller County horse neglect case The State of Texas VS Kathie Digilio. We are working diligently to make sure all the horses in our care are and will remain safe and well cared for. Anything less is unacceptable. Please review the attached documents and direct any questions you might have to us at [email protected]

These are court documents from the Waller County case and are public record.