*Warning* Post contains photos and descriptions of a graphic nature that may be disturbing to some (especially younger) viewers and readers*

On April fourth, in Caldwell, Texas, an injured dog wandered up to the Komar family’s property. On close inspection they saw the dog was seriously injured by a gunshot to the head. Despite being shot, the dog wanted their help and rather than look the other way, the Komar family stepped in to lend a helping hand. Sadly the family was not allowed to keep the dog themselves due to living on rented property. First, they tried calling law enforcement but were told that the dog would most likely die. Upset and not getting the help they needed, they began to call other rescue groups. A few turned them away but at last they found help with True Blue Animal Rescue.
Jacqueline Komar, or Jackie, didn’t bat an eye when she was asked if she could drive to Dr. Lee Panko’s office on a Sunday in Brenham, Texas. There, with two of her children, Destiny and Gabrielle, Jackie brought in the wounded Catahoula. Jackie lifted the dog on the examination table and her, the kids, and Melanie and Dale watched as Dr. Panko began his exam. The dog’s eye was the first thing Dr. Panko probed at and the top of the dog’s head was next. As Dr. Panko did his examination, the family that had cared for him for three days asked tons of questions. The vet answered them all as they came, letting the kids know the dog was one to one and a half year’s old, and that he wasn’t chipped or fixed. As Dr. Panko spoke he checked the dog’s sinuses, reflexes, skin condition, and hearing; all were found to be sound. After Dale found out the Komar family had not already named the dog, T-bar members decided to name him Chance.

While doing the examination, Jackie informed the vet that when the dog panted Chance had an odor about him. Leaning closer, Dr. Panko agreed and said the smell was from the massive infection the dog had from the wound he’d suffered. By the skin that was trying to grow back over the wound Dr. Panko guessed that Chance had been shot only three or four days before, meaning the dog had, thankfully, found the Komar family almost right after being shot.

The dog had a ring around its neck that was made by a collar that had been on long enough to wear down the fur; a few months. Also his tail had been cropped too short leaving him nothing, not even a nub. Chance’s gums were a pale pink, rather than a healthy deeper color, which Dr. Panko suggested was due to blood loss and malnutrition. The wound on his side was thought to be ringworm but Dr. Panko said that it was not, but a scab covering an old wound. Dr. Panko believed the gun shot went through an eye and came out the back of Chance’s head. The vet decided that removing the damaged eye would be better for Chance in the long run because if it healed on its own the scar tissue would be painful for the dog.

All during his examination Chance was quiet and calm, even with seven people huddled around him in a tiny room. Destiny wanted Chance to have a toy that she had bought all by herself before her family had to say goodbye to him. The Komar’s wished they could keep Chance but were relieved that True Blue Animal Rescue and Melanie DeAeth, had stepped in for the dog and his care. Once in T-bar care Chance was treated to new toys and treats by the Snook school children and also an interview by KBTX!

Chance has a long road to recovery but thanks to so many people being touched by the battle this little guy has gone through his emergency care visit has been paid for. He still has his eye removal operation coming up. His T-bar status is listed as in Rehab, but will be listed for adoption as soon as he is well. People have asked if he will be a special needs dog after his horrific injury but Dr. Panko sees no long lasting health issues once Chance has his eye taken care of.

If you would like to help T-bar with Chance’s bills or just want to make a donation to True Blue Animal Rescue please use the donation button. No matter how big or small your donation it makes all the difference to animals in need. If you want up-to-date news on Chance he now has his own Facebook page. Chance’s second Chance.
*UPDATE* Enough funds have been raised to cover Chance’s vet bills! Thank you for the outpouring of generosity for this beautiful creature!